




物理學家霍金曾說過:“未來醫學的發展基於光和色彩的治療。”儘管現代醫學專家和科學家才剛剛開始意識到水晶寶石光療法的好處,但人類實際上早在數千年前就知道來自太陽、色彩和水晶寶石的能量價值。從古埃及人,瑪雅人,印加人,到美洲原住民薩滿治療師和印度阿育吠陀醫學,都知道如何使用水晶寶石的能量來療癒。他們將水晶和寶石的光子激發出來後,將能量引導到全身的組織、器官和經絡深處,並且刺激細胞生長來治療任何疾病或失衡。 瞭解更多 VIEW MORE

量子催眠 自從開始學習氣功後,身體自動經歷了數次靈體出竅的經驗,引導我去學習催眠。催眠是了解自身問題和體驗多重宇宙存在的一個很好的工具。我一路跟從加拿大的催眠師Mike Mandel 學習基礎的催眠技法,接著上了美國著名的催眠師朵洛莉絲·侃南 (Dolores Cannon)的量子催眠課程,最後學習艾瑞克森語言技法,同時也在加州政府認證的心理機構進修NLP線上課程。已經取得NGH 講師資格。量子催眠是一種技術很高的催眠技法,被催眠者會產生各種腦光頻率,在催眠治療界享有卓越的名聲。 瞭解更多 VIEW MORE

Ms Ya Wen,Cheng 鄭雅文

第一位在中國的全國性特異功能會上示範的台灣人。示範隔空結開人體磁場,讓在場的學術界,醫界,氣功界感知到中醫的經絡和脈衝,和體內的氣流流動。特殊能力包括隔空偵測癌症腫瘤、隔空傳導晶體能量、意識能讓水晶寶石發光。與英國寶石光集團,物理界合作。2021年率先告知學術界,醫界關於經絡和器官在空中的投影層的訊息。 我長期在海外的國際學校擔任藝術老師,具有英美初高中課程的教學經驗和大學預科IBDP教學資格證書。十多年前在獲得新加坡南洋理工大學的全額教師獎學金後,搬遷到新加坡唸書和工作。在生活一帆風順的時候,突然其來的重傷改變了我的生活。 歷經十年錯誤的醫療治療方式,我不得不兩度放棄工作,回到台灣休養。2017年在一次打坐冥想課程上,突然被上天打開了頂部的脈輪能量,從此奇蹟不斷地發生,最後宇宙能量治療了我。2019年在上海出了場意外車禍,加上父親的醫療疏失導致手術失敗,促使我開始學習能量療法。 2020年初宇宙不間斷地傳導下金黃色光能,並且透過聲音圖像要我去發展水晶寶石療法。透過水晶寶石的氣場光療和氣功,我的健康情況恢復良好,完全不需要再藉由其他的復健方式。為了讓人們意識到新的療癒時代的來臨,我在2021年參與廣州特異功能會議,並在會場上展示人體能量場和水晶寶石的配合使用,積極向人推廣頻率、振動和能量的重要性。

My own story
About Me

I Have worked overseas as an art teacher in Singapore and international schools in China. I was offered IBDP teaching certificate and taught at middle schools. However, in my early 30s, a sudden serious injury changed my life. After ten years of the wrong medical treatment, I had to return to Taiwan to rehabilitate. In 2016, my physiotherapy doctor told me to use crutches to support my pelvis injury. I placed All my hopes in medical technology because otherwise I would have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. When I was in deep despair, a midnight in 2017, a ray of golden light appeared in darkness at my room scanning over my body, it especially stopped on my injured area. I started to experience energy and enlightenment and developed psychic ability. Unfortunately, in 2019, another terrible eBike accident happened to me on campus in Shanghai, I suffered a shoulder labrum tear, a triceps tear and left scapula subluxation. Luckily this time I already knew how to use Qi energy to heal myself. Those unusual experiences seemed to pave the way for me to receiving healing messages later on. In early 2020, while I was at Kathmandu doing a Reiki course, I started to receive crystal healing messages. Those messages were full of very advanced concepts of human energy knowledge hidden in religions. From then on, I started to use crystal and gemstones to help people. Extrasensory Perception Ability My main ability is to unblock body's magnetic field around 150 centimeters outside the body and sense signals and pulses from organs and meridian projection layers. To prove this higher dimensional concept, I demonstrated on several occasions, including a martial arts school near the Shaolin Temple and ESP seminar in Guangzhou. The purpose of those demonstrations was to show the relation between Chinese medicine and EMF. Main and minor chakras hidden around our organs and even on space, serves as vortexes and energy channels to receive light and sound waves from the universe. By working on energy level, toxins accumulated inside organs, tissues, blood vessels…etc. can be removed from body and boost the immune system on the magnetic level.